An easy guide to Google Ads account tutorial for beginners

An easy guide to Google Ads account tutorial for beginners

Google Ads (Adwords) has brought huge success to businesses. Although it seems like a straightforward step, many people fail to take the first step when they realize how important it is. It is necessary to bid on keywords, raise money, run campaigns, and add extensions.

This is the truth. Google Ads are very effective and can give you results in a matter of minutes. You can get started in less than an hour. It will start making sales as soon as you do it right.

Google Ads (Pay-Per-Click) is a system that allows your business to appear in search results for products or services.

This article will discuss the many ways that Google advertisements can be used to improve visibility for your business. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on advertising on Google.

What’s next:

  • You should have a Google Ads account
  • Select Your Keywords
  • Keyword Match Types
  • Start with the top keywords to use in your campaign
  • Create strong ad copy
  • Change default settings
  • Note on advertising delivery and ad rotating
  • Target a location
  • Search Partners
  • Lektion Learned: Be prepared for a Ramp Up Period
  • How can you view the details of your Ad Data in Google Analytics?

About Google Ads

SEO is a love affair for us, but it can be slow. Google Ads is your way to faster results. Before we get into the Google Ads tutorial, let’s look at some statistics that show the effectiveness and potential of Google Ads.

  • Google Ads is used by 64.6 percent to help users purchase items online.
  • 89% of traffic from ads cannot be replaced by organic clicks, even if ads are disabled (Google).
  • Businesses spend an average of $2 for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. (Google)

Follow the Google Ads Tutorial for Beginners

This is the most important aspect of the course. This is the most important part of the course.

You must have a Google Ads account

You can set up your Google Ads account at:

The setup process is guided and you will be asked questions about your email address, as well as the address where you intend to send your ads. You can also select the country where you live, your time zone and your currency.

              Buy Google Ads, Bing Ads, virtual Card

It is very easy to set up. You have many options and extensions for your ads that will require extra thought. We’ll be happy to help you with this process in the “Advanced” section of this page.


Tips You can use Google’s assistance if you have the funds. They have a choose-a-path feature that offers different options depending on which stage you are in with your account:

It is possible to transfer your Google Ads account into your Bing Ads Account once you have it set up. This will enable you to place your ads on Bing, Yahoo and AOL search engines.

What you’ll need before you start:

  • Website (better landing pages are available on your site).
  • Keywords Search terms — keywords that you want to promote (better if they are grouped together).
  • Headlines and copy — Your message about your service or offer

Select Your Keywords

You might come across the phrase “keywords” when searching for advertising (or “paid keywords”), and you can use them to describe your solution.

Keywords are the foundation of any ad campaign. In a short time, you’ll learn how to research keywords and create advanced strategies. In this tutorial, we’ll go into more detail about long-tail keywords. We’ll just be covering the basics for now.

A company could sell bags for special events if their keywords were:

  • Personal trainer for fitness
  • Online Fitness Coach
  • Send a birthday gift
  • Party supplies for children
An easy guide to Google Ads account tutorial for beginners
An easy guide to Google Ads account tutorial for beginners

This is the core idea. Google Ads campaigns are not designed to be simple lists of products. People search in different ways and Google doesn’t always provide the same results.

To find people who are searching for what you offer, it is important to use a search engine that allows you to do a thorough search. Match types are crucial here.

Keyword Match Types

The above example shows that their ads would target people looking for balloons made from helium, as well as party equipment and other items for children. But there is a lot more to be covered. This can lead to many keywords. The seller might be lured to use every “Bag search” in order to save money. This is a bad idea. This can lead to bad matches. Check out this Bag search.

“Fitness Coach”

Although it doesn’t directly affect their business, it would mean they lose money on clicks that result in sales. It is crucial to find the right keywords for each type of campaign.

While you cannot predict all possible variations in how people use Google, you can get a good idea of what keywords they are using and how closely their search results match those keywords.

These match types are available to you.

Specific Requirements: Fitness Coach [Fitness coach]

Searches should contain the keyword entered without any other phrases. The order of the words must be maintained.

The phrase “Fitness coach”

It holds your sentence together from the moment that you begin it (and in the correct order). However, other words can appear before or after your sentences (just not between them).

Note: I will not be able to return advertising on Bag for children.

Fitness Coach offering a wide range

You will see variations, similar to what you saw in the exact match. However, this doesn’t mean that it limits the possibilities for what comes next.

Modified Broad Match – +inflatable +Fitness coach

This allows for a bit more control over large matches. It will return on variations, abbreviations, plurals and stems.

Broad modifications don’t make synonyms like general matches. This is often not clear. Broad modified refers specifically to the match of a wildcard.

Google announced in February 2021 that it will end Modified Broad Match type. Advertisers can continue to add broad match words up until July 2021. After this, you’ll begin to notice changes in the behavior and composition of match types.

Any altered broad match that is created is considered a phrase match. It can contain variations of the word (plurals and verb tense), but it will still follow the order words, especially if it alters the query’s meaning.

This allows you to create duplicate keywords that were previously altered to broad match. You should be on the lookout for variants that you might need to stop.

Tips: Keywords should not be case sensitive Pay attention to plurals and spaces. Avoid characters that aren’t standard, such as: *@%

Use the Best way keyword to start your campaign

You pay for every click your advertisement receives, so make sure your advertisement matches the most relevant search terms.

Although you can think about keyword concepts, there is a faster way. These steps will help you find the most efficient and profitable keywords for your marketing.

Find the best long tail keywords for your market

Keyword planner for Google Ads

Keyword Planner allows you to search keywords for Search campaigns.

This tool is free and can be used to find keywords that are related to your business. You can also see estimated search volumes and costs to target them.

Keyword Planner offers another method to create Search campaigns that are centered on in-depth keyword research.

Should I bid on my own brand terms?

It can be easy to win by bidding on terms that are customized for you. You should reconsider your strategy if you are trying to get rid of terms you have branded to free up space for other keywords.

It can ward off rivals.

Others will start targeting your keywords if they see your company as a competitor. This is especially true if your competition has more experience. Your brand should not be left unprotected. It is a good idea, even if you feel confident with the results from organic research, to be cautious.

Advertisements could also improve organic results.

It’s quite affordable.

You should score very high for quality in your brand terms. The cost per click should remain affordable because there is less competition than high-volume terms. If you combine the CPC with a high-quality score, you can get very affordable clicks.

Double the message

You can strengthen your message by announcing an advertisement that uses your brand’s terms. Your homepage will be most likely to appear in search results that include your company name. This means that users will be able to read your meta description before clicking. Your ads allow you to manage and refine your message.

Can I bid on terms for my competitor brand?

Although it’s tempting, there is no way to be certain. Searching for the name of your competitor will result in people searching in your market. You might have seen competitors advertising with your brand’s terms (more later).

There are cautionary tales about bids for brand phrases of competitors. These keywords can have serious consequences if you advertise them.

These are some tips to keep in mind

  • It is impossible to include the brand name in headlines or advertisement copy.
  • You might run into retaliation
  • You won’t score very high on quality, which will lead to more clicks for the user.

Google Ads makes it easy to delete your ads quickly if they cause problems. It’s possible to test it if you have evaluated the risks and decided to go ahead with it.

Strong Ad Copy

These are the best ways to create headlines and ads for your ads.

These are the main points. However, you can also take a look to this video for an instructional guide about writing copy for advertising.


You have 25 characters that you can use in order to grab someone’s attention. You should not refer to readers. They are “browsers” who skim the pages to find the answer to their question.

Your headline should be compelling (but not deceiving), relevant, informative, concise, and engaging. Every headline has one goal: to get readers to read the next line.

Make headlines that match the search terms you are using. Although it’s tempting to use a generic phrase such as “A wide range of ink toner” to cover all products that use ink, this is not the best way to go.

Google will often bold words in headlines that match what the user is looking for. A better headline for a search for HP Cyan refill would be “Cyan cartridges for HP printers”.

TIP Consider dynamic keywords. It will insert the exact words into your headline. This is ideal for highly targeted advertisements about the services or products you offer.

You can predict that potential customers will visit your website if they see an advertisement for “print your own T-shirts” that shows them how to create their own custom tee-shirts.

Ad Body

Make your message clear and attractive. Your proposition can be presented in two paragraphs of 35 characters each.

Your ads’ body copy can help you get people to read your link and learn more about the benefits. You will lose your time and money if you create cryptic or vague content. This will result in bounce rate users clicking on your ads.

When creating an account, ensure you have different ad variations for different keywords. This could be a particular service or product. Your ads for “print your own T-shirts” may differ from those for “custom kids T-shirts”, because the user is looking for a particular item.

Landing page

High-quality ads drive visitors to your site and you will be charged regardless of whether they decide to buy (or sign up). Your ads should point to a relevant landing page that can deliver the advertised results.

This display URL doesn’t have to be the page URL. You can take advantage of this and use it to your marketing advantage, by creating a display URL like Any keywords that match the URL will also be bolded in the search results.

Most sites use the same domain name for their display URL as the destination URL. This is a good practice.

Google Settings Ads

Normal settings are the easiest way to get started with something new. Google Ads can be costly and not always benefit your campaign.

You may need to modify or switch off certain features before you launch a new Google Ads campaign. These are the most important guidelines you should follow.

Don’t get a deal with a combination.

Google suggests that you start by negotiating a package which includes search and dual display.

Display settings can quickly consume your budget, before you have had a chance to find your rhythm.

Select “All Features”

Once you have selected the search platform, click it to open the Google Ads Campaign’s Default Setting. When you’re just beginning, additional features such as these can slow down the process. In this instance, we recommend that you turn on “All features”.

You will be able to choose from other sensible options.Buy Google Ads VCC

Extension options can be extended

Hidden extensions are more complex and more likely to be used more often if you have an ongoing campaign. While I understand Google’s motivations to minimize distractions, they might be a good option for you. Decide for yourself. These are the options you might miss if you don’t make them.

  • App – This appears in tablet or mobile searches that let you connect your advertisement with your application.
  • Reviews – You can include customer reviews from third review sites in your advertisements.
  • Callouts – This is extra information that highlights a particular service such as “free shipping” and “price matching”.
  • Structured Snippets – Take the details about a product or deal from your landing pages and include them in your advertisement.
  • Site links extensions can give you more space to place your ads. They can also help make your advertisements stand out. You can also link to more relevant information with site links extensions

Google ads Advanced Settings

These are only a few of the options available when you choose “all features”.

  • Setting the schedule can be a costly task. This allows you to reach the right people at the right time. You can also use it to start and stop your campaign if you need to promote your ads at certain times.
  • Multiple ads can be delivered or rotated using the same keywords. This allows you to test different messages or spread the message that you want. (See more details below.)
  • Dynamic search ads are a unique option for businesses that offer multiple products or services. Google Ads will show information from the landing pages (that Google has indexed), to help you match your search.
  • Search-responsive ads – You would put together headlines and descriptions for an advert, and give Google the option to show you a wide range of combinations. You could use different headlines so you need to write several versions.
  • Optional URLs to Campaigns – These URLs allow you to include tracking codes within your URLs.

Target a location

A whole group of people is the default setting. A targeted location is a smart choice if you want to avoid paying clicks that aren’t converted.

You can choose “people in my target location” if you don’t want ads displayed to anyone outside your coverage area.

This section is important. It is listed under the heading “Location settings (Advanced).

Learn Who Are The Search Partners

Google has made “Search Partners” a default setting. It is important to learn more about the potential appearance of your ad on the Google search results pages.

Google does not provide a complete list of search partners other than YouTube. However, they do say they have hundreds of quality websites. This includes sites that use the Google search engine as well as other search engines like and AOL.

This will increase the reach of your ads, and click-through rates to those sites won’t impact your overall Quality Score. Google allows for adjustments, however, when it states that advertisements could appear on “other pages relevant to the person’s searches.”

Google is constantly improving and expanding its advertising platform. You should be aware of your default options, regardless of whether you are running an initial, third, or 20th campaign. They might not be the best for your campaign.

Get ready for a ramp-up period

Here’s an example. It seemed as if Google didn’t care about our money. We selected keywords, created ads, set bids, and clicked the button to turn things around. Nothing happened.

It doesn’t seem as though there wasn’t anything to be done. We would have looked into the causes if that were the case. The lack of advertising on our website confirmed our (false) belief that it wouldn’t bring in much business.

This is obvious. I think this tutorial is just as useful as any other. This information is crucial, especially if you are just starting your PPC advertising campaign.

The “ramp up” phase is important if you’re just starting your Google Ads campaign. Reliable, tested results can take up to a month.

We used AdWords in the beginning to create some text ads and certain displays. Surprisingly, we spent more than our budget. We felt there wasn’t enough clicks. We did not realize that Google was testing our abilities in controlled ways.

We saw a tremendous improvement in the Adwords program after a CRO was appointed (conversion rate optimization expert). He worked tirelessly to increase our budget, and also to increase spending like a driver putting the foot on the pedal. The switch was turned on.

What’s happening?

Google will monitor your ads for the first two weeks of a campaign to determine if they match the traffic that you are receiving. Google uses these indicators to help determine if your ads will be seen by more people.

Google has made a smart decision to protect its interests and those of all others involved in this process.

  • This protects existing advertisers so that they don’t lose clicks.
  • This protects the user from flash-in-the pan advertisements.
  • This will protect your from fraudulent advertisements that may cost you money, but don’t convert.

Our suggestions

Don’t be offended. This hurdle can be overcome easily by a targeted campaign that is based on relevant keywords and strong phrases. You have several options to speed up the process.

It is important to budget. Budget is crucial. Google checks your ads and makes sure they stay relevant. Google wants to show the most relevant ads to users. They expect you to uphold your end of the bargain. The amount of money you have available for advertising will determine how long it takes. This stretch could be extended if you have a lower budget.

Keep in mind that your competition is smart and on their radar. You can observe emerging competitors and adjust your bids to avoid losing impressions or clicks for your campaign. If you don’t submit the bids, you could lose out in a bidding war.

You should eliminate keywords that aren’t performing well. This stage is where you need to run an efficient campaign. You will look weak if your campaign isn’t effective. You should remove keywords that aren’t getting many clicks and then eliminate those that get clicked because they will affect your search ranking.

Check the copy of your ads. The copy of your ads may be to blame if the keywords are not performing well and are too competitive for your business. You can check the tone of voice and dominant messaging used by your competitors to modify your content and add more powerful calls-to-action that are clearer.

How do you view the details of your Ad Data in Google Analytics?

You can improve and track the effectiveness of your ads by linking your Google Ads account with your Google Analytics account. You can import metrics like bounce rates or the number of sessions to your Google Ads account. You can also run Remarketing campaigns.

These steps will allow you to connect your accounts.

You will need the same email account to log into both Google Analytics and Google Ads. ).

Access to these tools is required.

You need administrator access to use Google Ads. Click Tools, Settings, Account Access, and confirm.

Verify the access level in Tools & Settings

For Google Analytics, you need Edit permission.

Google states that permission is not required for long periods of time. These permissions are required only for the linking process. Once you have created the link, permissions can be modified and/or removed completely.

Open Google Analytics and click Admin> Property Users Management. At a minimum, Edit Access, Read and Analyze are required.

When you are in Google Analytics, go to the Admin View and then click on “Product Linking” under “Property.”

Choose “Google Ads Linking”

Logging in will show you that your Google Ads account ID has been added to the list of accounts. There is an option to verify this. Select the checkbox to continue.

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